地址:湖北省荆州市荆州区南环路1号 电话:0716-8060650
发布时间:2020-06-07 10:31:17阅读次数:
米远祝 职称:教授 博导/硕导:博士生导师 学科专业:油气田应用化学 研究方向:高分子材料合成及应用、油水乳液的处理 湖北咸丰人,博士,教授,硕士生导师。湖北省橡塑专业委员会副主任委员,美国化学会《Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research》及《PLOS ONE》等刊物审稿人。主要承担《高分子化学》、《高分子材料》等课程的本科教学。近年来主要从事高分子材料合成与应用、原油及老化油脱水技术以及含油污水处理等方面的研究工作。主持省部级项目3项,承担石油及天然气领域横向课题近10项。以第一作者或者通讯作者在《Energy & Fuels》、《Chemistry Letters》、《Journal of Applied Polymer Science》、《Colloids and Surfaces A》、《油田化学》以及《钻井液与完井液》等国内外刊物上公开发表研究论文50余篇,其中SCI收录论文19篇,EI收录论文2篇,单篇论文被SCI源刊引用最多超过150余次。以第一发明人授权发明专利2项,实用新型专利2项。主编普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材《高分子化学与物理实验》1部。 个人简历 ● 1992.09—1996.07 湖北民族学院,化工工艺● 2002.09—2005.07 暨南大学,无机化学,硕士● 2011.09—2016.07 DB电竞官网,油气田开发工程,博士● 1996.07—2007.07 湖北民族学院,DB电竞娱乐,副教授● 2007.08-至今 DB电竞官网,DB电竞娱乐,教授● 2013.07—2013.12 澳大利亚University of Wollongong,澳大利亚新材料研究院,公派访问学者 主要研究项目 ● 纳米结构材料制备及应用研究. 湖北省科技厅国际合作项目子课题● 纳微合金/碳核壳型结构材料的制备及电化学性能研究. 湖北省教育厅项目● 溶剂热法制备纳米储氢材料的研究. 湖北省教育厅项目● 油基钻井液增粘剂化学结构分析. 国家科技重大专项外协项目● 连续管钻井钻井液技术研究. 国家科技重大专项外协项目● 弹性水泥浆体系技术研究. 新疆油田项目● 福山油田花115区块防蜡降凝工艺技术研究与应用. 江汉油田项目● 南方海相油田页岩气压裂返排液化学处理剂的研究. 湖北省非常规油气协同创新中心项目 代表性成果 (1)获奖情况●中高含水油藏剖面综合改造关键技术及规模化应用,湖北省科技进步三等奖,2019.06(2)学术论文●Preparation of oxidized carbon black grafted with nanoscale silica and its demulsification performance in water-in-oil emulsion. Colloids and surfaces A. 2019, 123878.(SCI收录)●Carbon nanotubes grafted with β-cyclodextrin by an ultrasonication method and its demulsification performance in oily wastewater. Colloids and surfaces A. 2020, 124939.(SCI收录)●Demulsification of oil-in-water emulsions using hyperbranched poly(amido amine) demulsifiers with 4,4-diaminodiphenyl methane as initial cores. Journal of applied polymer science. 2019,48846. (SCI收录)●Preparation of reduced graphene oxide/titanium dioxide composite materials and its application in the treatment of oily wastewater. Colloids and surfaces A. 2020,124251.(SCI收录)●Separation of oily wastewater using titanium modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes as demulsifier. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 2020,5,1. (SCI收录)●Demulsification of water-containing crude oil driven by environmentally friendly SiO2@CS composite materials. Energy & Fuels. 2020. (SCI收录)● Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Grafted by Polyvinyl Alcohol and Its Demulsification Performance in Oily Wastewater. ChemistrySelect. 2020. (SCI收录)● Magnetic recyclable carbon nanotubes and its demulsification performance in oily wastewater. ChemistrySelect. 2020. (SCI收录)●A hyperbranched Poly(amido amine) demulsifier with trimethyl citrate as initial cores and its demulsification performance at ambient temperature. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2020. (SCI收录)● Synthesis of hexaganol close-packed nanocrystalline nickel by a thermal reduction process. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2005, 89(2-3):359-361. (SCI收录)●The synthesis of carbon nanotubes via toluene-thermal reduction process. Journal of Materials Science. 2005, 40:3635-3638. (SCI收录)●Synthesis of carbon micro-beads by an alcohol-thermal reduction route. Chemistry Letters. 2005,34(6):846-847. (SCI收录)●Effect of solvothermal reduction process on crystal structure of nickel. Magnetic Materials, Processes, and Devices VIII-Proceedings of the International Symposium. Pennington: Electrochemical Society Inc., 2006: 218-224. (EI收录)●Synthesis of LaNiC2 superconductor by a toluene-thermal route. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology. 2007,22(2): 253-255. (SCI收录)●Synthesis of carbon micro-spheres by a glucose hydrothermal method. Materials letters. 2008,62(1):1194-1196. (SCI收录)●Synthesis of carbon micro-rods via a solvothermal route. Materials Research Bulletin. 2009,44(4): 950-952. (SCI收录)●A simple solvothermal route to synthesize carbon micro-spheres. New carbon materials. 2009, 24(4):375-378. (SCI收录)●Actinozoan-like carbon materials prepared via a solvothermal route. Advanced Materials Research. 2012,557-559 :983-986.(EI收录)●Emulsion Polymerization of P(MMA-AA-EA) and Its Demulsifying Performance in Water/Oil Emulsion. Open Journal of Yangtze Gas and Oil. 2019, 4: 212-224.● 溶剂热制备条件对镍晶体结构的影响. 无机化学学报. 2005, 21(4):603-606. (SCI收录)● 溶剂热还原法制备蛋壳状碳材料. 无机化学学报. 2007, 23(1):1833-1836. (SCI收录)● 燃烧法制备纳米晶氧化镍的研究. 化学研究与应用. 2005,17(1):81-82. (中文核心)● 溶剂热还原法制备镍纳米颗粒的研究. 磁性材料及器件. 2006,37(4):32-34. (中文核心)● 多面体结构镍粉的溶剂热制备以及镍的晶型转变研究. 功能材料与器件学报. 2010,16(5). (中文核心)● 有机溶剂极性对镍的晶形影响研究.磁性材料及器件. 2009,40(2):10-14. (中文核心)● 乙醇热还原法制备空心镍球. 电子元件与材料. 2010, 29(3). (中文核心)● 溶剂热法制备多边形薄片结构镍粉的研究. 磁性材料及器件. 2010,41(2). (中文核心)● 一种用于油基钻井液的有机土激活剂. 科学技术与工程. 2017, 17 (9): 173-177. (中文核心)● 油基钻井液聚合物增黏剂的合成及性能研究. 钻井液与完井液. 2013, 30(2): 6-10. (中文核心)● 油基钻井液增黏剂的合成及室内评价. 钻井液与完井液. 2014,31(1):4-8. (中文核心)● VIS-3型油基钻井液增黏剂的合成及其流变性能测试. 油田化学. 2014,31(2):159-162. (中文核心)(3)出版著作●周智敏,米远祝, 主编.《高分子化学与物理实验》,化学工业出版社,2011(4)专利及软件著作权●发明专利:一种固井胶乳水泥浆体系及其制备方法 (CN106747018B),20200508●发明专利:用于镉离子检测的碳材料修饰玻碳电极的制备方法(CN107478696B)20190618●实用新型专利:一种用于反应釜的固定装置 (CN207230048U),20180413●实用新型专利:一种高温高压反应釜(CN207085844U),20180313
湖北咸丰人,博士,教授,硕士生导师。湖北省橡塑专业委员会副主任委员,美国化学会《Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research》及《PLOS ONE》等刊物审稿人。主要承担《高分子化学》、《高分子材料》等课程的本科教学。近年来主要从事高分子材料合成与应用、原油及老化油脱水技术以及含油污水处理等方面的研究工作。主持省部级项目3项,承担石油及天然气领域横向课题近10项。以第一作者或者通讯作者在《Energy & Fuels》、《Chemistry Letters》、《Journal of Applied Polymer Science》、《Colloids and Surfaces A》、《油田化学》以及《钻井液与完井液》等国内外刊物上公开发表研究论文50余篇,其中SCI收录论文19篇,EI收录论文2篇,单篇论文被SCI源刊引用最多超过150余次。以第一发明人授权发明专利2项,实用新型专利2项。主编普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材《高分子化学与物理实验》1部。
● 1992.09—1996.07 湖北民族学院,化工工艺
● 2002.09—2005.07 暨南大学,无机化学,硕士
● 2011.09—2016.07 DB电竞官网,油气田开发工程,博士
● 1996.07—2007.07 湖北民族学院,DB电竞娱乐,副教授
● 2007.08-至今 DB电竞官网,DB电竞娱乐,教授
● 2013.07—2013.12 澳大利亚University of Wollongong,澳大利亚新材料研究院,公派访问学者
● 纳米结构材料制备及应用研究. 湖北省科技厅国际合作项目子课题
● 纳微合金/碳核壳型结构材料的制备及电化学性能研究. 湖北省教育厅项目
● 溶剂热法制备纳米储氢材料的研究. 湖北省教育厅项目
● 油基钻井液增粘剂化学结构分析. 国家科技重大专项外协项目
● 连续管钻井钻井液技术研究. 国家科技重大专项外协项目
● 弹性水泥浆体系技术研究. 新疆油田项目
● 福山油田花115区块防蜡降凝工艺技术研究与应用. 江汉油田项目
● 南方海相油田页岩气压裂返排液化学处理剂的研究. 湖北省非常规油气协同创新中心项目
●Preparation of oxidized carbon black grafted with nanoscale silica and its demulsification performance in water-in-oil emulsion. Colloids and surfaces A. 2019, 123878.(SCI收录)
●Carbon nanotubes grafted with β-cyclodextrin by an ultrasonication method and its demulsification performance in oily wastewater. Colloids and surfaces A. 2020, 124939.(SCI收录)
●Demulsification of oil-in-water emulsions using hyperbranched poly(amido amine) demulsifiers with 4,4-diaminodiphenyl methane as initial cores. Journal of applied polymer science. 2019,48846. (SCI收录)
●Preparation of reduced graphene oxide/titanium dioxide composite materials and its application in the treatment of oily wastewater. Colloids and surfaces A. 2020,124251.(SCI收录)
●Separation of oily wastewater using titanium modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes as demulsifier. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 2020,5,1. (SCI收录)
●Demulsification of water-containing crude oil driven by environmentally friendly SiO2@CS composite materials. Energy & Fuels. 2020. (SCI收录)
● Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Grafted by Polyvinyl Alcohol and Its Demulsification Performance in Oily Wastewater. ChemistrySelect. 2020. (SCI收录)
● Magnetic recyclable carbon nanotubes and its demulsification performance in oily wastewater. ChemistrySelect. 2020. (SCI收录)
●A hyperbranched Poly(amido amine) demulsifier with trimethyl citrate as initial cores and its demulsification performance at ambient temperature. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2020. (SCI收录)
● Synthesis of hexaganol close-packed nanocrystalline nickel by a thermal reduction process. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2005, 89(2-3):359-361. (SCI收录)
●The synthesis of carbon nanotubes via toluene-thermal reduction process. Journal of Materials Science. 2005, 40:3635-3638. (SCI收录)
●Synthesis of carbon micro-beads by an alcohol-thermal reduction route. Chemistry Letters. 2005,34(6):846-847. (SCI收录)
●Effect of solvothermal reduction process on crystal structure of nickel. Magnetic Materials, Processes, and Devices VIII-Proceedings of the International Symposium. Pennington: Electrochemical Society Inc., 2006: 218-224. (EI收录)
●Synthesis of LaNiC2 superconductor by a toluene-thermal route. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology. 2007,22(2): 253-255. (SCI收录)
●Synthesis of carbon micro-spheres by a glucose hydrothermal method. Materials letters. 2008,62(1):1194-1196. (SCI收录)
●Synthesis of carbon micro-rods via a solvothermal route. Materials Research Bulletin. 2009,44(4): 950-952. (SCI收录)
●A simple solvothermal route to synthesize carbon micro-spheres. New carbon materials. 2009, 24(4):375-378. (SCI收录)
●Actinozoan-like carbon materials prepared via a solvothermal route. Advanced Materials Research. 2012,557-559 :983-986.(EI收录)
●Emulsion Polymerization of P(MMA-AA-EA) and Its Demulsifying Performance in Water/Oil Emulsion. Open Journal of Yangtze Gas and Oil. 2019, 4: 212-224.
● 溶剂热制备条件对镍晶体结构的影响. 无机化学学报. 2005, 21(4):603-606. (SCI收录)
● 溶剂热还原法制备蛋壳状碳材料. 无机化学学报. 2007, 23(1):1833-1836. (SCI收录)
● 燃烧法制备纳米晶氧化镍的研究. 化学研究与应用. 2005,17(1):81-82. (中文核心)
● 溶剂热还原法制备镍纳米颗粒的研究. 磁性材料及器件. 2006,37(4):32-34. (中文核心)
● 多面体结构镍粉的溶剂热制备以及镍的晶型转变研究. 功能材料与器件学报. 2010,16(5). (中文核心)
● 有机溶剂极性对镍的晶形影响研究.磁性材料及器件. 2009,40(2):10-14. (中文核心)
● 乙醇热还原法制备空心镍球. 电子元件与材料. 2010, 29(3). (中文核心)
● 溶剂热法制备多边形薄片结构镍粉的研究. 磁性材料及器件. 2010,41(2). (中文核心)
● 一种用于油基钻井液的有机土激活剂. 科学技术与工程. 2017, 17 (9): 173-177. (中文核心)
● 油基钻井液聚合物增黏剂的合成及性能研究. 钻井液与完井液. 2013, 30(2): 6-10. (中文核心)
● 油基钻井液增黏剂的合成及室内评价. 钻井液与完井液. 2014,31(1):4-8. (中文核心)
● VIS-3型油基钻井液增黏剂的合成及其流变性能测试. 油田化学. 2014,31(2):159-162. (中文核心)
●周智敏,米远祝, 主编.《高分子化学与物理实验》,化学工业出版社,2011
●发明专利:一种固井胶乳水泥浆体系及其制备方法 (CN106747018B),20200508
●实用新型专利:一种用于反应釜的固定装置 (CN207230048U),20180413